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「『Winnie the Pooh』HUNNY’S CAFE in STRANGE DREAMS」大阪・心斎橋で開催決定

グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
『Winnie the Pooh』HUNNY’S CAFE in STRANGE DREAMS(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「プーさん」不思議な夢の中のチキンバーガー税込2,079円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「プーさん」不思議な夢の中のカレーライス税込1,749円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「ズオウ」と「ヒイタチ」はちみつ風(?)クリームパスタ税込1,749円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「プーさん」ほんのりはちみつバーガー税込2,079円、「プーさん」はちみつリンゴカレー税込1,749円、「プーさん」と仲間たちみんなでピクニック♪サラダ税込1,749円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「ピグレット」コロコロサラダ税込1,089円、「ティガー」ぴょんぴょんサラダ税込979円、ズオウ」と「ヒイタチ」食後のヨーグルトグラノーラ税込1,749円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
「カンガ」と「ルー」カフェラテ、「プーさん」はちみつヨーグルトドリンク、「イーヨー」ぶどうヨーグルトドリンク、「ラビット」キャロットドリンク各税込979円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
はちみつオレ税込869円(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
特典(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.
グッズ(C)Disney.Based on the “Winnie the Pooh” works by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard.


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