「ハリー・ポッター」スタジオツアー東京、大広間を初公開 動物の燭台に“等身大”教職員の姿も


東京都練馬区のとしまえん跡地に建つ「ワーナー ブラザース スタジオツアー東京 - メイキング・オブ・ハリー・ポッター」(以下、スタジオツアー東京)が、2023年6月16日(金)に開業する。24日、「ハリー・ポッター」で最も印象的な場所の1つ「大広間」が初めて公開された。

大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.


大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.

大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.
大広間/‘Wizarding World’ and all related names, characters and indicia are trademarks of and (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. – Wizarding World publishing rights (C) J.K. Rowling.

アジア初進出「ワーナー ブラザース スタジオツアー東京 – メイキング・オブ・ハリー・ポッター」


情報:ワーナー ブラザース スタジオ ジャパン

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